Performing The Star Trek Theme on The World’s First Tesla Coil Theremin

Please note that the Star Trek heme starts plying at 1:17. From BD594: I wanted to build a Tesla Coil Theremin utilizing a oneTesla TS, X-40 Laser rangefinder and a Arduino Nano V3 micro controller. There are some MIDI controllers on the market that use Ultrasonic and Time of Flight sensors however they are very […]

The Comprehensive IT Master Class Bundle (112 Hours of Expert Instruction) (98% Off)

Catalyze your IT career today with over 100 hours of training in security, cloud computing, networking and more! Just $29 instead of the suggested MSRP of $1500. -Access 112 hours of expert instruction -Foster skills in IT networking, security & more -Access prep material for CompTIA’s A+ & Network+ certifications -Dive into Office 365 & […]

Turn Your Love of Gaming Into a Career With The School of Game Design (99% OFF!)

Thanks to this lifetime membership to The School of Game Design, you can finally turn your love of gaming into a career with an extensive training library! Just $59 instead of the regular enrollment MSRP of $5,990.00. Access over 120 hours of easy to follow, step-by-step video training w/ access to all additional or updated […]

Level Up Your Career With Professional Certification Training in IT, Management, Marketing, and MORE!

Looking to level up your career? The Geeks are Sexy store has everything you need to help you get certified in your field of choice. Whether you’re planning on getting a CCNA, Six Sigma, COMPTIA A+, or project management certifications, we have everything you need to get you started at the fraction of the cost […]

“Kitten” – An Impressive Computer Animation from 1968

This is Russian computer animation from 1968. Boing Boing gives us a short translated explanation. More than 40 years ago in 1968 … A team led by Nikolai Nikolaevich Konstantinov creates a mathematical model of the motion of the animal (cat). The BESM-4 machine, executing a written program for solving ordinary (in the mathematical sense […]

The Complete Adobe CC Training 7-Course Bundle (95% Off!)

Get to grips with photoshop, InDesign, After Effects and more with the complete Adobe CC 7-course bundle offering 65 hours of training and 200 tutorials on the Adobe Creative Cloud! Just $29 instead of the MSRP of $673. What’s included: -Adobe Photoshop: Beginner to Advanced -Adobe Illustrator: Beginner to Advanced -Adobe InDesign: Beginner to Advanced […]

Become a Cloud Pro With The Complete Google Cloud Mastery 8-Course Bundle (97% Off)

With the Complete Google Cloud Mastery 8-Course Bundle, delve into one of today’s fastest growing platforms (in 58 hours!) to unlock a lucrative new career. Just $39 instead of the MSRP of $1,392. What’s included: -Google Cloud Platform Associate Cloud Engineer Bootcamp -Google Cloud Platform for AWS Professionals -Become a High Earning Cloud Architect -Google […]

Teen Uses Smart Fridge to Tweet After Getting Her Electronics Taken Away #FreeDorothy

A 15-year-old Twitter user got her phone confiscated by her mom after she “was boiling rice and was too busy on phone and stove burst into flames.” Since she did not have her phone anymore, she used her Nintendo 3DS to go online, and then after getting it taken away as well, she switched to […]

The high-stakes race to make quantum computers work

Quantum computers could eventually outstrip the computational limits of classical computers. They rely on the behavior of atomic and subatomic particles, whose quantum states are incredibly fragile and easily destroyed— which is why this technology remains largely theoretical. How would quantum computers work, and are they really possible? Chiara Decaroli investigates. [TED Ed]

Computer Security Geek Changes License Plate to “NULL”; Idea Backfires Big Time

If you’re a computer security geek, getting a vanity plate on your car to tell the world about your passion might not be such a good idea. A security researcher named Droogie had his license plate inscribed with “NULL” at one point in the past, and, as he told attendees at the DEF CON conference […]