Cell Phone Payment: A Cash Machine in your Pocket

By JR Raphael Contributing Writer, [GAS] Weโ€™ve all been there. Youโ€™re waiting in line when suddenly you reach for your back pocket…and realize your wallet isnโ€™t there. Well, good news, fellow geeks: The days of needing cash or even a credit card to pay for purchases are almost behind us. The cell phone is gaining […]

An introduction to object oriented languages

By Sterling “Chip” Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] Object-orientation can refer to a set of design principles, a programming style, or features of programming languages that support that style. Continuing from an earlier post on the history of programming languages, let’s next concentrate on the purpose and history of the languages that support OOP.

Gmail & Outlook Synchronization Service launched

By Mark O’Neill Mr William Gates is probably cursing in his Cheerios at the moment. A company called Cemaphore Systems has announced the launch of a new product that will allow Gmail users to completely do away with their Microsoft Exchange servers and run Microsoft Outlook directly from Google servers instead. Called Mailshadow for Google […]