A Long Ride with Elevator Music

by Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] The idea of a space elevator isn’t exactly a new one, but CNN just published an article speculating that it may happen within our lifetimes. Apparently this “new space race” is being measured in stories rather than miles–one hundred thousand of them. Hundreds of engineers from all over the […]

Scripting Languages and the Web

By Sterling “Chip” Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] When Tim Berners-Lee first proposed the “Mesh” (later renamed to the World Wide Web) to CERN back in 1989, the concept was much simpler than it has become today.  The problem Berners-Lee sought to solve was how to establish links between the massive number of related documents generated world-wide by […]

ASK [GAS] : What was your first computer and how did it change your life?

by Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] I was a child of the eighties, and the first computer that my parents bought was a Tandy CoCo, on which my mom taught me to type when I was seven. That computer also jumpstarted my love of videogames, since hours of playing Maniac Mansion revved me up to […]

Clickfree: A Cheap Hardware Backup Solution for Dummies

So, you’ve always wanted to backup your computer’s content, but never took the time to do so. Whether it’s because you don’t have the time, or simply don’t know how to do it, Clickfree is likely the perfect solution for you. The backup system doesn’t require any software install or hardware to configure. Just plug […]

Dot Matrix Revolution: A Brief History of Computing

So, you’ve always wanted to learn everything about the history of computing, but never had the time to do so? Fear not my friends, the “SuperBrothers” have cooked up a cool little music video explaning the whole thing in under 4 minutes. Following an early morning status check of their vintage electronic equipment, two computer […]

Esteban IV: Taking solar propulsion to the next level

Each September, Montreal, Quebec closes Ste-Catherine street, one of the busiest streets in the city, to hold the “a day without my car” event. As the name implies, no motorized circulation is allowed on the street during this day, and a bunch of vendors present green-transport alternatives to cars. This year, “L’école Polytechnique de Montréal,” […]

Could Google Take a Seat at the Telecom Table?

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] Contrary to popular belief, Google is a large, rich, mysterious company.  Oh wait, that’s extremely obvious in everything they do.  In fact, they recently demonstrated their mysteriousness by releasing Google Chrome with about one day’s notice to the internet at large.  Instead of stirring up hype or even accidentally […]