MTV and MySpace Turn Piracy Into Pennies

by Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] You know what they say… when you’ve got lemons, turn them into lemonade. And when you’ve got rampant video piracy, find a way to milk some ad revenue out of it. The “fingerprint” technology that we’ve been hearing about from YouTube is making its way in some form to […]

Did You Survive The War of the Worlds 2.0? #wotw2

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you were on Twitter yesterday, you might have noticed a flood of tweets with a mysterious “#wotw2” code in them.  Well that was a “hash tag” or “hash code” you were seeing there and those tweets were completely fictional. The fake tweets were all on account of War […]

USB Port – Pass It to the Left

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] A new EU trade rule has caused one winery to become a bit more creative with its naming scheme.  Peltier Stanton makes port wine, but unfortunately, only grapes grown in Portugal can be used in the official production of “port.”  Other grapes of the same variety can be used, […]

Let Current, Twitter, and Digg Guide Your Election Night Antics

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you’ve been following the election recently and happen to be a geek, odds are you get a bit of your news coverage from social networks.  Well on November 4th, two of those networks, Digg and Twitter, will be coming together on Current TV to bring you an election […]

Creepy Talking Robot Head Wants to Destroy Humanity

Robotics engineers at the University of Bristol, UK, have developed a super-creepy robotic talking head that can mimic many “human” facial expressions as well as generate synched speech lip movements. Fortunately for humanity, the bored robot doesn’t have a body yet. This is a good thing because, as it says below, it wants to wipe […]

Solar Furnace Burns Hot Dog Sausages, Melts Steel

A solar furnace is a device composed of a large curved mirror which harnesses solar rays to produce a high temperature beam of light. Possible applications includes melting steel, making hydrogen fuel, or even burning hot dog sausages to a crisp. The furnace you’ll see in the following video can reach 2,400 °C (4,352 °C), […]