Sixense Truemotion 3D System Makes Nintendo’s Wiimote Look Like Junk

Even if the Wiimote was revolutionary when it initially came out, it really can’t compare to the motion-sensing capabilities of Sixense’s new Truemotion 3D system. Check out the video — it’ll blow you away. Rather than using an accelerometer like the Wiimote, the Truemotion system uses a magnetic field to track both of your hands […]

GEM Introduces the Peapod: A Zero Emission AMC Pacer?

By Will Sullivan Contributing Writer, [GAS] The “Peapod,” by GEM (green eco mobility)—financed and designed by Chrysler—is pretty much a preposterous mashup of a Tesla Roadster and an AMC Pacer: zero-emissions electric vehicle meets mobile aquarium! As with the ill-fated Pacer of the ’70s, that vast expanse of glass looks terrific style-wise (well, I’m in […]

iPhone 2.2 Firmware Released Today!

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] That’s right – yet another upgrade to the mighty JesusPhone.  Why do we report on this stuff?  Because people want to know, that’s why! iPhone users received an email today telling them to upgrade to firmware version 2.2.  It’s been a little while since a major upgrade was made, […]

New display technology breathes new life into still pictures

Thanks to a partnership between the Max Planck institute and MITs Media Lab, a whole new, revolutionary, zero-power display technology has been unveiled. The technology allows a picture of a still object to react to a light source just as it would in the real world. Check it out: Now, try to imaine the possibilities […]

Minority Report Computing Soon to Become Reality

We’ve been talking about how multi-touch technologies would soon make spatial gesture computing a possibility, a bit like what we see happening in Steven Spielberg’s movie, Minority Report. Well folks, it seems that the day when we’ll be able to manipulate data and object in real 3D space isn’t that far off. Dubbed g-speak, Oblong‘s […]

What if Google Were Built by Librarians?

Google’s PageRank algotrithm certainly has its detractors, among them people who feel that using links as ‘votes’ for a site’s importance isn’t the smartest way to get the best content. Unsurprisingly, librarians fit within this group, and they set out to determine what Google would look like if the weight of search results were powered […]

New Spray-On Solar Cells Coming Soon

We’ve been hearing about this imminent technology for a while, but today researcher Xiaomei Jiang said that spray-on solar cells have been successfully tested as a power source for microscopic machines. Jiang and her colleagues used flexible polymer as a base instead of silicon, which is brittle. The researchers at the University of South Florida […]