A Bit of Free Sci-Fi: “The end of Science”

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] As a scientist (or at least a scientist-in-training), I tend to think of the physical world and human curiosity as eternal bedfellows.  As long as there are other worlds to ponder, be they huge or microscopic, we will do what we have always done: “Seek out and explore new […]

Google Native Client: web deluxe, or ActiveX redux?

Throughout the brief history of the web, we’ve seen various attempts to make the browsing experience more interactive:  Java applets, JavaScript (and AJAX techniques), ActiveX, Flash, and Silverlight to name a few.  All of the above except for ActiveX achieve a certain level of security from malicious code through the use of runtime-interpreted languages.  The interpreter […]

Intel seeks leaner, greener power sources

Intel is researching how to power devices in ways that are both more convenient and greener.  They’re in the process of developing technology that can capture ambient sources of energy, such as sunlight, body heat, radiation from cell phone towers, and even the human energy expended to operate a hand-held device.  Move that finger around, and you’re simultaneously […]

Joost Finally Brings Streaming Video to the iPhone – With Limits

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you’ve been on the Internet for any time at all, you might remember something called “The Venice Project.”  Essentially, the founders of Kazaa and Skype tried to come up with a way to bring television to the Internet in a peer-to-peer network that meshed with what the content providers […]

Will Walmart Sell the iPhone for $99?

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] In a bit of a surprising (yet not so surprising) move, Apple may be releasing a more economical iPhone for sale in Walmarts around the country.  This rumor comes from Kaufman Brothers, a technology market analyst group that believes a cheaper, lighter iPhone is “inevitable.”  The specifics are, of course, […]

Shift Happens: Globalization and the Information Age – Remixed

We’ve posted this about two years ago while we were hosted at blogger.com, but since it just got updated with new data and visuals, we thought that it was worth sharing again. Shift Happens: Globalization and the Information Age is a video that shows how information evolves around the globe as time flies by.