The Network Rockstar Challenge

By Brian Boyko Contributor, [GAS] For too long, network administrators, engineers, and architects have longed for a way to determine dominance within the IT pack. Unfortunately, those efforts have been stymied without a quick and convenient way to determine IT knowledge on a quantitative scale, leading to unsatisfying substitutes like Guitar Hero or Halo tournaments. […]

HOW TO: Reset your Lost 2003 Active Directory Admin Password

AskTheAdmin is back again with another “how to” for the GAS readers. Today’s tutorial will be covering a technique that will allow you to reset your lost 2003 Active Directory Administrator Password. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us and you are not alone. I have never had this happen to me in […]

A Vision of the Future by Microsoft

This video, which shows what Microsoft thinks await us in the next decade, was presented a few days ago by Microsoft’s Business Division president Stephen Elop at the Wharton Business Conference. Now a lot of you will probably think that the presentation is nothing but eye candy, but in this case, I disagree. I really […]