The History of the Internet
The “History of the Internet” is an animated documentary explaining all the events and technologies that led to the invention of the Internet. A fascinating watch!
The “History of the Internet” is an animated documentary explaining all the events and technologies that led to the invention of the Internet. A fascinating watch!
By Will Sullivan Contributing Writer, [GAS] The under $3000 full-HD front projector space is hugely crowded, these days—almost exclusively by LCD projectors. Sharp is aiming to change that, offering a new “value” $2999 front PJ (However, it is much, much cheaper at!) based around Texas Instruments’ new 0.65″ DLP Digital Micro-mirror Device (DMD) chip. […]
By Will Sullivan Contributing Writer, [GAS] JVC has kept a relatively low consumer electronics profile in recent years—especially compared to its glory days—e.g. basically taking a “wait-and-see” attitude during the recent Blu-ray vs. HD-DVD format war, certainly failing to keep up with its competitors on most audio/video technologies. Their HDTV offerings have been less restrained […]
Fear not my young apprentices! With the new force training kit, the force shall soon be strong in you! Does that make me sound like a delusional loon? Yeah, I thought so too… The Force Trainer, which is expected to sell for around $100, is a headset that allows you to use brain waves to […]
By Will Sullivan Contributing Writer, [GAS] AMD has found the perfect target class for its new Yukon platform and Athlon 1.6GHz Neo processor—the svelte, new ultrathin hp dv2 notebook fits in with AMD’s plan to fill all the 12-inch to 14-inch skinnies it can with the new chips, even as Intel also moves its Atom […]
By Will Sullivan Contributing Writer, [GAS] Is this thang cool, or what? At only 1.4 lbs, the Sony Vaio P certainly won’t break your arm—or the bank: although quite a bit more at $900 than the standard, generic, commodity-priced netbooks from everyone else. Even then, it is still considerably lower-priced than the diminutive UMPCs it […]
By Will Sullivan Contributing Writer, [GAS] In the week(s) prior to CES every year, manufacturers often “pre-release” info to whet the appetites of journalists about to be bombarded by the cacophony and cognitive dissonance that truly is the lasting experience of the Consumer Electronics Show. Even though today—the day before the official start of this […]
By Will Sullivan Contributing Writer, [GAS] Well, it’s early January, again—and that must mean it’s time for: a) the annual misdating of checks and documents debacle; b) the early abandonment of too-ambitious (and already onerous) New Year’s Resolutions; c) the counterbalance to the latter for all techno-geeks worldwide: the cornucopia of emerging technologies, realized and […]
By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] Today we have a very special presentation for you. ThinkGeek, known far and wide for their wonderful geek gear, has been extremely secretive about their inner workings. That is… until now. Geeks Are Sexy was given exclusive access to the ThinkGeek headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia and sat down with John […]
My wife bought me a Roku for Christmas, which is a player that lets us instantly watch Netflix movie and television shows on our 57-inch LCD Samsung HDTV. I heard of Roku almost a year ago, but it had slipped my mind. So when I was opening the gift, my initial thought was that this […]