Betweeted Brings Ads to Twitter Without Spamming

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Twitter has been a monetization puzzle for many because it possesses enormous popularity and “mindshare” among the internet savvy, but does not present any straightforward way to make money.  Attempts have been made to market through tweets or through the background wallpapers, but neither of these have been very […]

Rocket Launch Tonight – Look Out Eastern US!

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Seems that this week’s science stories are all going to the physicists.  Between 8:00PM and 11:00PM (EST) TONIGHT, a “Minotaur I” rocket should be visible to the entire Eastern seaboard of the United States.  It is being launched from NASA’s Wallops Island Flight Facility in Virginia (the state where I […]

Science is Sexy: Will the Large Hadron Collider Blow Us Up?

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Maybe you’ve heard about the recent controversy over the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva.  This device, probably the most complex machine ever devised by man, has been the focus of much debate because of its potential to do two things. Be an enormous waste of money Create a black […]

Fear of Needles? Not to Worry, FluGen is Here!

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] It seems that there is a really neat technology out there that could make vaccination a whole lot easier.  Designed to reduce the pain and fear associated with needle injections, FluGen‘s novel immunization patch delivers the medication just below the skin in a convenient, one-time-use dispenser. This reminds me of […]

Microsoft’s Strange New Vision of the Future

Microsoft has just released two strange new videos envisioning the future of user interfaces. Check them out below. XUI, which stands for experience-user-interface in theory is the next evolution of computer-human interaction from natural user interfaces (NUI) like Microsoft Surface which itself is an evolution from graphics user interfaces (GUI) like Windows. [Via TechEblog]

Track the Swine Flu Outbreaks on Google Maps

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] Want to track the swine flu outbreaks on your desktop?  A chap named “niman” has created a nifty Google Map of all the swine flu activity…ON EARTH! View H1N1 Swine Flu in a larger map Key: Pink markers are suspect Purple markers are confirmed Deaths lack a dot in marker […]

New HD-DVD to Blu-ray ‘upgrade’ scheme not as generous as it appears

Warner Bros is offering HD-DVD buyers the chance to replace their movies with Blu-ray copies for $4.95. But the deal is plagued by restrictions which will likely mean it does little more than irritate buyers who backed the wrong horse. The basics of the deal sound fine: you simply mail in the cover art from […]

Speed the key to next-gen Bluetooth

The next version of Bluetooth technology should mean lower power consumption, higher transfer speeds and wireless syncing of music and video libraries between computers and portable devices. The changes are part of Bluetooth 3.0, which effectively became official today when the industry’s Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) agreed to adopt the standard. It’s the last […]