Ten Coolest New Car Technologies

By Chris Burdick Guest Blogger In the consumer electronics world, companies have to be continuously innovating to keep up with each other. This is why last year’s revolutionary $3000 Plasma HDTV only costs $1500 now. The automotive world isn’t all that different; car makers need to keep adding more technology in their cars to keep […]

FCC boss tackling broadband shortfall and mobile competition

The new head of the Federal Communications Commission says broadband provision will be the agency’s top priority under his leadership. He also confirmed the commission will examine exclusivity agreements with cellphone handsets. Julius Genachowski (pictured), who had not previously served as a commissioner, took office as chairman on 29 June. He’s now given his first […]

Interorbital puts your personal satellite into orbit

By Sterling “Chip” Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] What could be more geeky than putting your own personal satellite into Low-Earth-Orbit?  OK, sending yourself into space would definitely pwn that – but who can afford to do it?  Now, for only $8000 US (“but you have to call now, ‘cause we can’t do this all day”) […]

Vanish: Self-Destructing Digital Data

Researchers from the University of Washington have developed a new encryption system that allows users to take control over the lifetime of their data. After the user-specified auto-destruct time has gone by, the encrypted data will then become unreadable. If you wish to use the system online, Vanish is available via an easy to use […]

Jailbreaking could help terrorists, Apple claims

Apple has claimed that jailbreaking iPhones – that is, altering their software to allow the user to run applications without restrictions – could turn them into tools for deliberately bringing down cellphone networks. The claims come in a response to a government review which takes place every three years to decide which situations should be […]