Ubuntu “Karmic Koala” 9.10: A Closer Look

Today, a new release of the popular free & open source operating system Ubuntu becomes available. This is release 9.10, code-named Karmic Koala. In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that I could be a little biased, as I had a hand in the planning and development of the release. First, if you […]

Goby: The Search Engine for Getting Out of Your Chair

Now, I’ve got admit, when I heard about Goby–the search engine designed to match your interests with current events in your area, or any area for that matter–I quirked a bit of an eyebrow. What’s this now? Do we really need another search engine, let alone one that tries to fill a rather specific niche? […]

New Intelligent Speed Bump Retracts for Vigilant Drivers

Most people find speed bump irritating. For those with a heavy foot, these bumps can have all sorts of undesirable effects on your car. But, when you have kids and live on a street where people speed, you realize the necessity.. Enter the intelligent speed bump by Mexico’s Decano Industries. With this clever new technology, […]