There’s a Hole In the Moon, Dear Liza, and Other Space Discoveries

With only two days down, it’s already been a great week to be a space geek. First up? Moon news. You might have missed over the weekend, but scientists have discovered a “lunar hole” that experts are saying may make an ideal home for future moon colonists. Yes, you read that right. According to researchers, […] Another Bird in the Twitter Flock

I’m an admitted Twitterholic, but I’m the first to admit that many of its basic functions leave a great deal to be desired. While Twitter certainly works on a basic level, it’s also left enough gaping holes in usability to allow for tons of development in a variety of applications. In the last few months […]

221b Game Brings AI Into the 21st Century

While many video games based on, or related to, films have a rather bad rep for being clunky, ugly, and often just plain boring, you might be surprised to find that the new web-based flash Sherlock Holmes game, 221b, has actually employed some pretty impressive programming in its design. Called “Chatbot” technology, this allows for […]

ChromaKey: What You See Isn’t Always What You Get

We all know that in today’s movies, “Green Screen” technology, also known as “ChromaKey”, is being used to create virtual environments that look just like the real thing. The extent to which ChromaKey is being used in a production remains largely unknown to most folks, but the following video will show you just how much […]

Why Avatar is Exciting for Science Fiction and Fantasy Geeks

By this time you’ve likely read plenty of Avatar reviews out there or, more likely, you’ve been to see the movie yourself. My own feelings about the cinematic quality of the film are mixed, but that’s not the point of this piece. Because watching Avatar didn’t actually make me excited about watching Avatar, if that […]

Five Innovations that Will Change Cities in the Next Five Years

Today, IBM unveiled a list of innovations that have the potential to change how people live, work and play in cities around the globe over the next five to ten years: Cities will have healthier immune systems. City buildings will sense and respond like living organisms. Cars and city buses will run on empty. Smarter […]

Don’t Step in the Hot!

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] When social media first emerged, it was more or less a chaotic system where the most popular content floated around through many, many blogs and websites.  Nowadays, though, a majority of that content is hosted on the “big names” of video storage: YouTube, Vimeo, and others.  This makes […]