Android Hits 20,000 Apps; Doubles Output in Last Five Months

Yes, we’ve all heard the buzz about Android.  But time after time, consumers have reiterated: it’s the apps that have lead to Apple’s grip on the market. We know it’s not the service, because Apple has been outed again and again for their lackluster coverage, locked-in AT&T contracts, and app store handling. Sure, there’s a […]

4G mobile broadband becomes a reality

A Swedish firm has become the first to offer 4G mobile broadband services for consumers. But the service has been described as a “killer user experience” rather than a “killer app”. The service from TeliaSonera AB will debut in the next few months, initially in Stockholm, Sweden and Oslo, Norway, extending it across the two […]

Nanotubes + Ink + Paper = Instant Battery

By covering a simple piece of paper with ink made of carbon nanotubes and silver nanowires, Stanford researchers were able to create a simple, low-cost battery, which can be used almost anywhere, allowing for many clever applications. Check it out in the video below. “This technology has potential to be commercialized within a short time,” […]

Ask [GaS]: What are the Top Gadgets on Your Holiday Wishlist?

What gadgets are you pawing after this season? Which technical wonders make your heart skip beats, and give you the shivers? If you’re anything like me, you’ve likely spent hours—maybe even days, weeks, and months—of your year drooling over gadgets. And with the holiday season going in to full swing, there’s no end to the […]