OMG: 4.2-Foot Tall Robotic Baby is a Crime Against Nature

Built by researchers from the Machine Perception Laboratory at UCSD, Diego-San is a 4.2-foot tall robotic baby, and is probably the scariest thing I’ve seen so far this year. I mean, a full scale robotic representation of an adult is already creepy enough, but I think these guys are taking things a little too far […]

10 steps to a better IT support process

As an IT professional, you need to have a structured mind in order to think through all the possible problematic situations that can present themselves on a day to day basis. And after having worked in IT for a while, I’ve developed a certain methodology that can help you solve most problems quickly and effectively. […]

“Mind-reading” airport security claims overblown

There are a host of stories today about mind-reading technology being the future of US airport security. But there’s no real suggestion the technology will ever be adopted in the country, and the system actually monitors the body rather than the brain. The attention has come from a syndicated Associated Press story which has appeared […]

Project Natal confirmed for 2010: will work on existing Xbox 360s

If you’re chomping for full-body control on your Xbox 360, the good news is that you won’t need a new console. The bad news is that it likely won’t be available for 10 months. As part of his address to the Consumer Electronics Show, Microsoft’s head of “entertainment and devices” Robbie Bach confirmed that Project […]

Google Nexus One Officially Unveiled

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] While news of this device leaked quite a while ago (and Google openly distributed it to their employees), the Google Nexus One still drew a crowd today, both online and at Google’s official launch event.  The new phone is similar to other Android devices, such as the popular Droid, but […]

There’s a Hole In the Moon, Dear Liza, and Other Space Discoveries

With only two days down, it’s already been a great week to be a space geek. First up? Moon news. You might have missed over the weekend, but scientists have discovered a “lunar hole” that experts are saying may make an ideal home for future moon colonists. Yes, you read that right. According to researchers, […]