Carnegie Mellon University To Add Autonomous Flight to Transformer

Yes, you read that right. Transformers are in our future– at least our proposed future. Looks like Carnegie Mellon University have secured a whopping grant to the tune of $1 Million to further develop the flying Lockheed Martin Transformer vehicle concept for DARPA, by adding autonomous capabilities. The point of this military vehicle isn’t just […]

Thoughts on Going PC: A Decade-Long Mac User Makes Peace with Microsoft

My post from a few weeks ago, detailing why I’d decided to switch to a PC from a Mac, really got some of your blood boiling. While there were a few folks utterly aghast at my decision to nix the shiny world of Apple for the starker, more sterile world of Microsoft, on the whole, […]

How I Became a PC: Five Steps from Mac to Microsoft

If you follow me on Twitter, you might have noticed that I’ve been changing the computer regime over here. It isn’t that I don’t love the shininess of my MacBook. It isn’t that, given the money and all that, I’d just go out and buy a top-of-the-line Mac… because, honestly, I’d consider it. As important […]

Coffee and eggs the recipe for robot technique

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has funded some strange projects in its work to develop new technology for the United States military. But perhaps none quite so strange as using coffee grains to pick up an egg. DARPA provided some of the money for a newly published study involving researchers at universities in […]

Pirate Parties In Space

If you read this article’s headline and were expecting the greatest B movie ever made, I’m sorry to tell you, but you’re in for a dissapointment. It’s in fact a reference to a discussion on a technical solution to the problems of copyright law for those who support filesharing without restrictions. The discussion comes from […]

Another Tablet Has Landed: Samsung Galaxy Tab Available from Verizon November 11

While the iPad has been the mover and the shaker of the tablet world since its launch, there have been many rumors and unanswered questions about other tablets entering the market. Some have come and gone with little fanfare, others have been but speculation. Now, Samsung’s Android-based Galaxy Tab is hoping to rise to the […]

LEDs Get Thinner, Implanted: Geeks Everywhere Ponder the Implications

Pictured above: those are LEDs. On the tip of a pencil. Yep, in this article io9 talks LEDs–thin, bright, flexible LEDs that are so slight they can be slipped under paper, on pencil tips, and, well, under your skin. Just imagine the possibilities. John Rogers of the University of Illinois is the brain behind this […]