23 Years of Computer Geekery in One Place

We’ve written several pieces about computer technology of the 80s and early 90s before and clearly struck a nostalgic chord with many readers of a certain age (and those with a historical curiosity.) With that in mind, we’ve found a site that you are sure to love. The Obsolete Technology Website at oldcomputers.net includes a […]

MSL Curiosity Rover Animation [Video]

The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) is a rover that will assess whether Mars ever was, or is still today, an environment able to support microbial life. In other words, its mission is to determine the planet’s “habitability.” Scheduled to launch in November or December of this year, the Curiosity rover should land on Mars in […]

Nanotech Battery Breakthrough Hints at Eternal Energy

If you’re not familiar with piezoelectrics, it’s a good time to get current. (Here all week, folks.) Researchers at RMIT University and Australian National University have finally quantified the voltage output of piezoelectric nanofilms — thin film materials capable of converting pressure into electrical energy. The voltage output of up to 40 mV and current transients […]