A Geek Girl’s Guide to Holiday Shopping

by Meredith Placko While millions of Americans fought tooth, nail, and pepper spray to get their hands on some mighty deals, this geek girl somehow managed to avoid the annual contact sport known as Black Friday. While sitting in my office, pouring over YouTube videos of people at their very best in Holiday cheer (and […]

Researchers Shine Light on More Efficient Chips

Researchers at MIT believe they’ve taken an important step in developing the next generation of silicon chips. The photonic version would use light beams rather than electrons, greatly increasing speed and efficiency as well as boosting communications. The aim of the research was to avoid the current wasteful process by which data transmitted by fiber […]

Minute holes could dramatically improve battery performance

Poking tiny holes in batteries could both extend their life and speed up charging time according to a newly-published research. This isn’t a case of taking a skewer to a AA (which GeeksAreSexy does not recommend), but rather it involves the material of the moment, graphene. The technique takes advantage of the fact that the […]

The Magic of Augmented Reality [Video]

Ever wanted to stand under a lightning storm inside a mall? Or pet a leopard? Or just stand idly by as a Tyrannosaurus Rex walks past? If you were hanging out in Hungary recently, you could have had the chance. Thanks to an Appshaker pair-up with National Geographic, Hungarian mall shoppers were able to insert themselves into […]