Crowdsourcing & Smartphone Technology Saving Lives

This is a talk by Dutch technologist and innovator Lucien Engelen giving some pretty cool insights into how technological innovation has and can revolutionize the healthcare system, and may just save lives. He covers his wifi weighing scale that automatically gives you your own personal pressure, Biggest Loser style with your Twitter followers, as well […]

Introducing the Swinglet: An Autonomous Flying Robot Bird [Video]

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Well, yes and no. This, ladies and gentlegeeks, is the swinglet, an autonomous, ready-to-deploy mini drone that weigh less than half a kilogram and features a complex AI to help it navigate through designated areas. It comes equipped with a high resolution camera and can take off […]

The Robot Invasion Begins With A Buzz

It’s not going to be the I, Robot machines, not the Cylons, not even Skynet: it’s going to be the RoboBees that will lead the AI insurgence. Inspired by the artisan’s touch in origami constructions, a new fabrication technique is allowing doctoral candidates at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) to advance […]

GPS providers prevail in 4G interference war

The Federal Communications Commission has nixed a company’s plan to offer 4G broadband through a new network of cellphone towers and satellites. It ruled that LightSquared’s plans would cause too much interference for GPS devices. The idea was to create a network using the LTE system for mobile data transmission, then wholesale it to wireless […]

Spray-On Antenna Technology Revealed at Google’s Solve for X Conference

A start-up called Chamtech Enteprises has an answer to the problems of poor cellphone reception and other shortcomings of traditional antennas. The company has developed a spray-on antenna that it says is more lightweight, energy-efficient and effective than the old-school version. (Where was this stuff when the iPhone 4 came out?) [Via WSJ/a>]

Introducing DarwinBot: The Pet Companion Robot [Video]

Jordan’s a developer on the Microsoft Robotics Team and recently built a remotely operated robot for interacting and playing with his pet over the internet. It has two way audio and video through Skype, a ball launcher, treat dispenser, ball recovery arm and a pan & tilt camera. It is built on the Parallax EDDIE […]