Robo-Teacher: Computer That Can Sense Boredom

Photo Credit: Sybren A. Stüvel The University of Notre Dame has produced the next phase of the robot take-over: now they’re teaching us. And they’re teaching us almost better than we can teach ourselves. Next on the robo-invasion master plan: indoctrinate the young. “AutoTutor” and “Affective AutoTutor” is a new technology that can read moods […]

Adorable, crocheted Matthew McConaughey gives SXSW advice!

Everyone remember when Matthew McConaughey was busted in Austin for playing the bongos neked? Well, CraftyIsCool has crocheted him in the buff, with just his bongos, and he’s spewing out cool advice for first-timers to SXSW! Want to know where to go or what to do in Austin? Check out Tolly Moseley interviewing McConaughey for […]

Robot Quadrotors Perform James Bond Theme

Insert obligatory “I for one” joke of your choice here. Flying robot quadrotors perform the James Bond Theme by playing various instruments including the keyboard, drums and maracas, a cymbal, and the debut of an adapted guitar built from a couch frame. The quadrotors play this “couch guitar” by flying over guitar strings stretched across […]

The Greatest Hits of Hacks [Video]

Avi Rubin, professor of computer science and director of Health and Medical Security Lab at Johns Hopkins University, gives us a run-down of some incredible hacks and attacks that he and others in the field of computer security have managed to successfully perform. It’s pretty terrifying that they manage to hack everything from getting a […]