New Infrared spectacles fool facial recognition systems

If you are more paranoid than fashion conscious, researchers in Japan have got you covered. They’ve developed a pair of spectacles specially designed to stop you being caught out by facial-recognition software on security cameras. The National Institute of Informatics put out a press release on their work last month but it appears their ability […]

Google Glasses: your arm is a keyboard

Google has somehow found a way to up the sci-fi levels on its proposed Project Glass spectacles: it wants to add laser beams. The project aims to create “augmented reality” spectacles which can overlay visual information directly into your eyeline. At its simplest this could mean getting turn-by-turn walking directions in cities, but it could […]

Developer Secretly Outsources Own Job

A software developer has been busted for secretly outsourcing his work to China and instead spending his time in the office messing about on the web. The revelation comes from Verizon’s security team, which was called in to investigate at an unnamed US company involved in “critical infrastructure.” The company allows some staff to work […]

New $10k TV bigger and sharper but thinner and lighter

LG is launching a 55 inch OLED television with a screen described as “the thickness of three credit cards.” However, the launch appears to be as much about beating rivals to the punch as a serious commercial proposition. The screens will cost 11 million won, which is equivalent to just over US$10,000. It’s probably going […]

The HyTAQ Robot (Hybrid Terrestrial and Aerial Quadrotor) [Video]

The HyTAQ robot has been developed in the Robotics Lab at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), part of the Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering Department. It is a novel mobile robot capable of both aerial and terrestrial locomotion. Flight is achieved through a quadrotor configuration; four actuators provide the required thrust. Adding a rolling cage […]

Packed LS3 Four-Legged Robot Follows Leader [Video]

That thing may be a little noisy, but hey, it can carry around 400 lbs of equipment everywhere it goes. The LS3 program seeks to demonstrate that a highly mobile, semi-autonomous legged robot can carry 400 lbs of a squad’s equipment, follow squad members through rugged terrain and interact with troops in a natural way […]