Print Your Own Medications [Science!]

The 3D printing innovations continue to pour in, the latest being from Professor Lee Cronin, involving a do-it-at-home medication printing machine. It’s not quite the same 3D printing technology that we have now become used to seeing, since those create relatively large objects compared to the scale of organic chemistry. There are also a whole […]

Stanley is a Piano that Takes Requests over Twitter

Twitter has a really varied clientele, from well communicating social media junkies right down to those very same social media junkie’s dogs. But now an inanimate object hopes to communicate with its followers with the gift of music. @StanleyPiano is a unique Twitter account connected to a piano. A player piano. A Player Piano is […]

Turning Motion into Music: The V Motion Project [Video]

The Motion Project was a collaboration between a lot of clever creative people working together to create a machine that turns motion into music. The client for the project, Frucor (makers of V energy drink), together with their agency Colenso BBDO, kitted-out a warehouse space for this project to grow in and gathered together a […]