Groklaw closes over NSA surveillance

A website specializing in legal news relating to open source software says it will cease activity because of the National Security Agency’s surveillance program. Pamela Jones, who runs Groklaw, says it’s no longer possible to guarantee confidentiality to sources. The site covered many of the patent and other legal cases relating to technology including battles […]

Facebook picks up voice translation tech

Facebook has bought out the developer of an automated voice recognition and translation app. Though plans haven’t been officially announced, it seems likely Facebook will use the technology to bring together users who speak different languages. The purchase is of Pittsburg firm Mobile Technologies, which offers an app called Jibbigo, available on iOS and Android. […]

“The Drift” Could Become Reality in Simulated Spacecraft!

Researchers from the University of Essex have been collaborating with some United States researchers — especially those at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory — to develop “brain-computer interface” (BCI) technology, “which allows two people to steer a virtual spacecraft using only their brain power, via electroencephalography (EEG).” To start, they have been working on a BCI mouse […]

Father-Daughter Duo Launching a TARDIS Into Space Get Nerdist Web Series! [Video]

Nerdist was — natch — part of YouTube’s Geek Week that ran from August 4-10. As part of its programming, Nerdist premiered the first installment of its “Doctor Who TARDIS In Orbit Project,” that features Robert Doyle and his daughter Alex and their fully-funded (nearly three times over!!!) Kickstarter project: Launching a small TARDIS into […]