Star Trek Universal Translators On Their Way

Yet more technology (like these real tractor beams) that seems inspired by the wonderful Star Trek Universe. It seems Microsoft have started developing a Universal Translator-esque system that outputs translated text in real time…in the voice of the speaker. Obviously, speech-to-text recognition software isn’t exactly brand new – Siri has become quite an established example […]

25% of Google Play Apps Are Dodgy [Infographic]

It’s one of those things that Apple fans love to lord over the PC-lovers and, more recently, the Android-lovers. Viruses and malware. Apple just seems to get fewer. It probably has to do with the fact that the Google Play system is a lot more open than the Apple App Store. With all the good […]

Google Expands Its Empire Into The Music World

Google gets ready to piss Apple off (some more) and takes on iTunes. Oh, and Amazon too. Google actually launched its music service last November, but it hasn’t really taken off. In fact, since major label Warner Music was holding out, the whole thing was hampered by a lack of good music. That has now changed, […]

Be Very Afraid: DARPA’s Pet-Proto Robot Navigates Obstacle Course

Now imagine if they can get this thing to move 100 times faster, which will eventually happen, and then they ask it to hunt you down. Scary. In this video, the Pet-Proto, a predecessor to DARPA’s Atlas robot, is confronted with obstacles similar to those robots might face in the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC). To […]

Mother Nature Gave Birth to a Keyboard

In a world where ‘modern design’ usually involves glass and polymers, Robbie Tilton was sick of nature being left out in the cold. For those glued to their desks and missing a little greenery in their lives, allow us to introduce you to the “Natural Keyboard”. Tilton went through a lot of effort to figure […]