Supersonic jet will have virtual windows

A company designing a supersonic jet says it will use virtual window displays. The design of the ย Spike S-512 Supersonic Jetย will remove the needed for the added weight and structural support of windows, without leaving passengers feeling claustrophobic. The new supersonic jet will feature a revolutionary windowless passenger cabin so no more glaring sun and […]

“Games & Gamers” Young Adult Book Series is Nonfiction Look at Gaming Industry

Lerner Publishing Group has released a 6-book nonfiction series about the video game industry entitled ShockZoneโ„ข Games & Gamers. The series, written by video game and comic book writer Arie Kaplan (The New Kid from Planet Glorf graphic novel, Paranormal State and Law & Order: Legaciesย games), is fun, yet fact-filled, and discusses many aspects of […]

“Personal cell” tech could improve mobile broadband

The man behind WebTV and OnLive says he’s created a mobile broadband technology that lets you get maximum speed regardless of how many other people are trying to connect. Steve Perlman’s claims have, to say the least, raised skepticism in the mobile industry. The technology, originally called DIDO, is now being launched under the name […]

EmoSPARK: The First Artificial Intelligence Home Console

I want one, and I’d call him HAL. I’d also program him to say: I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that. Enter EmoSpark, the world’s first home artificial intelligence console that uses emotion text and content analysis to measure the emotional responses of its users. In fact, it actually detects the moods of […]

3D Printing Goes Multi-Color, Multi-Material

The company behind the MakerBot 3D printer has launched a model that can handle multiple colors and materials in one print run. Stratasys’s new machine costs $330,000 and is very much aimed at making practical objects rather than novelty items. Where normal 3D printers use a single stream of material, Objet500 Connex3 uses jets that […]

Alien technology achieves record broadband speed

A joint French and British project has achieved broadband speeds of 1.4 terabytes per second over a 255 mile distance, which the companies are claiming as a record. The speeds are apparently the result of an “alien super channel.” The project is the work of French firm Alcatel-Lucent and British Telecom. They carried out the […]