Stephen Hawking Warns Us All to Think Twice Before Advancing AI Technology

If physicist Stephen Hawking is taking pause with the future of AI technology, maybe we should take pause, too. Or at least, you know, think about all the paths it could potentially take first. Hawking, along with physicists Max Tegmark and Frank Wilczek and computer scientist Stuart Allen, wrote in The Guardian that AI could absolutely change […]

Google May Get Into Wi-Fi And Cellphone Services

Google may be expanding its provision of public Wi-Fi according to planning documents for its high-speed broadband service. There’s even speculation it could get into cellphone services. The revelation comes in a planning document sent to officials in 34 cities which have shown an interest in getting Google Fiber. That’s a program in which Google […]

Google Unwittingly Cracks Own Captchas

Google has developed an algorithm that can decipher house numbers from Street View images with impressive accuracy. The problem is that the algorithm can match or even outperform humans when confronted with Google’s own use of CAPTCHA tests. Because so much of the data collection for Google Maps is automated, the first drafts of the […]

Dying Grandmother Uses Oculus Rift to Travel, Climb Stairs Again [Video]

Roberta Firstenberg was dying of cancer and only had a few months to live. Priscilla, her granddaughter, emailed the Oculus Rift team, and they donated one so her grandmother could “go outside” again, as her mobility was extremely limited. Despite being able to use virtual reality to “travel” outside and even to other countries, Roberta got the greatest […]

Scientists Of 1975 Predict Today’s World

On Friday we looked back at psychics’ predictions made in the 1975 book The People’s Almanac, forecasting the rest of the 20th century. With New York still above water, cancer uncured, and solar energy pills yet to replace food, the results were somewhat off the mark. However, the authors of the book also asked scientists […]

Are Your Socks Dumb? Then use the Smarter BLACKSOCKS! [Video]

You know how something is so outrageous, it’s just gotta be true? Well, this concept is so outrageous, it totally exists. From what I can tell, BLACKSOCKS uses a “sorter” and an app to determine a) which sock goes with which sock; b) how many times each sock has been washed; and c) how ‘black’ each […]

WOW! Check out Honda’s AWESOME New Version of ASIMO, The Humanoid Robot [Videos]

The Asimo’s latest edition, unveiled on April 16, can run briskly, climb stairs with ease, dance like Travolta, kick a ball and jump up in down in what can only be described as a robot tantrum. The 4 feet tall, 115-pound robot now features five dextrous fingers on each hand with force feedback sensors. As […]