Amnesty International Uses Tinder To Raise Awareness [Link]

Whether you’re on the dating scene or not, you may be aware of the dating app Tinder which has a remarkably simple system: you see photos of potential matchesย in your area, swipe left to reject and right to approve, and get put in contact with anyone where you’ve mutually swiped right. Amnesty International has now […]

Bitcoin Rival Aims To Help Medical Research

A new crypto-currency is designed to aid medical research as well as function as a medium of exchange. CureCoin, which launched in May but is now being promoted through a publicity campaign, works along the lines of similar currencies such as Bitcoin, but its creation process involves medical research. The units of a crypto-currency aren’t […]

Lithium Anode Could Boost Cellphone Battery Life & Electric Car Range

Stanford researchers have created a stable pure lithium anode. It’s a huge step towards a dramatic increase in battery capacity. We currently refer to rechargable batteries in portable devices as being “lithium ion” rather than simply lithium because today’s models only use lithium in the electrolyte and not the anode, which is usually silicon or […]

Use the ‘Force’ to Control Your Electronics! [VIDEO]

You can soon control your electronics with just a wave of your hand! Thalmic Labs has created the Myo, a “gesture control armband” that uses Bluetooth to control any devices that have been paired with it. While prototypes were shipped back in December, the company went back to the drawing board, of sorts, around […]

Raspberry Pi Gets Redesign: Introducing the Raspberry Pi B+

The low-cost Raspberry Pi computer is getting a third edition. The B+ doesn’t have any major performance spec changes, but some potentially useful design tweaks. The Pi launched in 2012 and was designed as an alternative to devices such as the Arduino; the Pi’s manufacturers bill it as a full computer rather than a microcontroller. […]