Rules That Describe Our Reaction to Technologies According to Douglas Adams [Pic]
On Wednesday we covered a Kickstarter campaign for Scribble, a pen that could capture any color and reproduce it in ink or on screen depending which version you got. However, shortly after we ran the story, the Kickstarter campaignย was mysteriouslyย canceled by its creators despite getting nearly four times its goal of $100,000 in pledges. It […]
A Californian professor has designed a “tattoo” that can turn sweat into electricity. But there’s still a lot of work before it becomes a practical form of charger. Dr Wenzhao Jia of the University of California, San Diego, was originally working on a device to monitor lactate levels, designed for use by athletes in training. […]
CGP Grey, who has some great YouTube clips explaining often complex subjects, has put together a new video discussing the pros and cons of automation for human society. At 15 minutes it’s longer than his usual work, but this allows him to go into more depth and it’s certainly thought-provoking. Be sure to check out […]
A robotic butler (dubbed a Botlr) has started work at the Aloft hotel in Cupertino, California. The manufacturers explain that: The robot is approximately 3 feet tall, weighs less than 100 lbs., has a carrying capacity of 2 cubic feet, and is designed to travel at a human walking pace. It can even travel independently […]
The USB 3.0 Promoter group says it’s finalized the details of type C USB connectors, which will work no matter which way up you plug them in. It follows the announcement of the concept last year. The main news today is confirmation that there’ll be a degree of backwards compatibility: The new USB Type-C plug […]
You’ll be able to explore the Tate Britain gallery in London after closing time this week thanks to the installation of four webcam-fitted robots that can be controlled by visitors to the gallery’s website. The BBC explains: Each machine will live-stream its footage to the Tate’s “After Dark” website, where viewers will be able to […]
Microsoft has demonstrated the results of an algorithm its developed to produce hyperlapse video: first-person time-lapse videos without the shakiness. The idea is to solve two related problems: first-person videos from activities such as extreme bike riding can be a bit dull viewed in full in real time; but speeding them up to a timelapse […]
Turkish inventor Mustafa Karasungur has come up with a genuinely lethal creation: a robot that delivers 25,000 volts to anything in its path. Thankfully it’s not intended for use on humans, but instead as an extreme form of scarecrow to stop bears attacking crops. That said, Australia’s Channel 9 News, which spotted the story from […]
cloud piano from david bowen on Vimeo. This installation plays the keys of a piano based on the movements and shapes of the clouds. A camera pointed at the sky captures video of the clouds. Custom software uses the video of the clouds in real-time to articulate a robotic device that presses the corresponding keys […]