Blue LED Creators Get Nobel Prize in Physics

The men who first created blue LEDs have won the Nobel Prize for physics. The blue light was necessary for more energy-efficient bulbs and displays. Although working LEDs have been around for more than 50 years, not all colors became available at the same time. That’s because LEDs work by a semiconductor material glowing a […]

Microsoft Sets Sights On Polling Firms

Microsoft is using the wisdom of crowds theory to run a prediction service. It may use the technology to turn its Siri-alternative into an opinion pollster. After some previous trials, Microsoft has now launched the Microsoft Prediction Lab. It’s similar to an opinion poll or survey but rather than ask people what they want to […]

New Jet Pack Gives Instantaneous Thrust to Runners [Video]

From ASU Research: What if every soldier could run a four-minute mile? That’s the goal behind 4MM, or 4 Minute Mile, a student project to create a wearable jetpack that enhances speed and agility. Working with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and a faculty mentor, Jason Kerestes is the mastermind behind 4MM. He built […]

Tiny 3G Modem Could Connect Internet Of Things

Intel has produced a 3G modem only a little bigger than a one-cent coin. It’s targeting the connected devices market, otherwise known as “the Internet of Things.” The 6255 has a total area of around 300 square millimeters, with Intel billing it as the world’s smallest modem. It’s based around what Intel calls “Power Transceiver”, […]

CGI Makeup Changes In Real Time [Video]

A Japanese company has created movie “makeup” that can be applied instantly and changed without a break – by effectively turning a face into a projection screen. Omote’s technology works in a similar way to the motion capture used in many games. As CNET explains: Taking his inspiration from the Noh mask, Asai first laser-scanned […]