Barbie Gets Internet Connection, Will Talk To Kids

Mattel is to release an Internet-connected Barbie that can remember and repeat a child’s comments. And, yeah, I think we all know where this is going. The $75 Hello Barbie toy will include both speech synthesis and speech recognition, powered by a battery that lasts an hour between charges. The batteries are in Barbie’s legs, so […]

New Drone Rules Make Amazon Delivery A No-Go

The Federal Aviation Authority has published draft rules to allow the routine commercial use of unmanned drones. But a key restriction means plans for delivery services will have to remain on hold. The rules would mean that unmanned aircraft weighing less than 55 pounds could fly without special permission or licensing. However, the operator would […]

Introducing Spot: Boston Dynamics’ New Highly Mobile Four-Legged Robot

Ladies and gentlegeeks, let me introduce to you Spot, Boston Dynamics’ new highly mobile four-legged robot. Now watch the video and then imagine yourself being chased by a pack of these things. Spot is a four-legged robot designed for indoor and outdoor operation. It is electrically powered and hydraulically actuated. Spot has a sensor head […]

Microsoft Will Finish Windows 10 in June

For those tapping your fingers together feverishly waiting for the newest OS for their PC’s, looks like Microsoft will be finishing up Windows 10 in June. While that may seem like a short time between announcement and release, they followed a very similar template with Windows 8, so it’s not like they can’t deliver on […]

The Exceptional Beauty of Doom 3’s Source Code

Doom 3 was not only great fun to play, but for the time, was an absolute marvel to look at. Truth is, the Xbox version still holds up visually to some of the better games from the last generation. This is coming solely from a video game player. But Kotaku had a developer come in […]

Google and Twitter Become Friends Again

There was a time when you could Google search something and related, topical tweets would come up in your search. Over time, this stopped (for business reasons far too complicated for my feeble mind to understand). But recent news that the two giants have met up and worked out their differences has resulted in some […]

Ubuntu Smartphone Finally On Sale

The first Ubuntu smartphone goes on sale next week. But it’s more of a publicity drive than a serious launch. The Aquarius E4.5 from Spanish manufacturer BQ normally runs on Android, but a new model will run on a version of Ubuntu developed by Canonical. Rather than go on full sale, a limited number will go […]

The Chinese Equivalent of Amazon Starts Drone Deliveries

Amazon has talked about it, but now a Chinese online retailer is doing it: using drones to deliver goods to customers. Alibaba is roughly the Chinese equivalent of combining Amazon and eBay and last year took in revenue of 52.5 billion yen (approximately US $8.4 billion.) Its subdivision Taobao is running a very limited trial: […]