Treating Your IT Pro Right: The Two-Way Street of Communication and Respect (Sponsored by Canon)

This post is sponsored by the new Canon imageCLASS MF800 Series color printers, designed to help you get through IT. With features like a remote user interface (for control) and a 3.5” color LCD touch screen (for efficiency), imageCLASS printers give your office the type of reliable output and efficiency you demand from your printer – giving SYSADMINS […]

The ‘Mother Of All Demos’ Becomes Stage Show

Arguably the greatest tech demonstration in history has become an operatic drama. Avant-garde composers Mikel Rouse and Ben Neill have put together a “multimedia musical production” that will be performed at Stanford University tomorrow and on Wednesday. It’s based around a December 1968 presentation by Doug Engelbart of the Stanford Research Institute. As we noted […]

Graphene Hits Consumer Market In A Lightbulb

The super-strong, super-light material graphene is getting another use: as a way to make LED lightbulbs cheaper and more efficient. The new bulbs will be produced by Graphene Lighting PLC, a commercial offshoot of the University of Manchester where the material was first isolated in 2003. That earned the Nobel Prize in Physics for Konstantin […]

A Boy and His Kite: Amazing Unreal Engine 4 at Work

The Unreal engine has always been an amazing and beneficial tool for game creators. Every time they release a new, updated version of their engine, they often release a sort of tech demo, too, highlighting just what the engine can do. In this case, Epic Games released a short film made using the engine, called […]

IT Horror Stories: Upgrading got you down? Don’t let the bugs win! (Sponsored by Canon)

This post is sponsored by the new Canon imageCLASS MF800 Series color printers, designed to help you get through IT. With features like a remote user interface (for control) and a 3.5” color LCD touch screen (for efficiency), imageCLASS printers give your office the type of reliable output and efficiency you demand from your printer – giving SYSADMINS […]

The Mars One Project Might Be A Scam

We all know about the Mars One trip that everyone has been talking about. Sending humans to inhabit Mars with the knowledge and understanding they WILL die up there, but will also help make huge leaps scientifically. While it sounded like a cool plot for the Interstellar sequel, seems some people may think this is […]

Packing Peanuts Make Power Pack

Packing ‘peanuts’ could be used to manufacture rechargeable batteries. Both polystyrene and starch-based versions could be used for separate components. The idea came from Purdue University’s school of Chemical Engineering where staff recently moved to a new lab and used a lot of packing peanuts to transport and receive delicate equipment. While both versions of […]