10 Awesome Good Guy Robots from Movies

With Chappie coming out this month and looking to add another awesome ‘good guy’ robot to the cinematic universe, we figured what better time than now to come up with a list of some of our favorite good guy robots from the world of cinema. Keep in mind, there are dozens upon dozens of good […]

Solar Plane Starts Round-The-World Trip

A solar-powered plane has completed the first leg of a round-the-world flight. The plan is to eventually circumnavigate the globe without ever using fossil-derived fuels. The plane, Solar Impulse 2, started with a short leg, flying the 500 miles from Abu Dhabi to Muscat in around 12 hours. The journey isn’t even close to non-stop. It’s […]

Report Explores How Self-Driving Cars Could Change The World

Self-driving cars could boost online business revenue by $140 billion a year according to a consulting firm. It’s one of a number of projections made by McKinsey & Company, though some of them are ambitious projections to say the least. The figure is based on the idea that the average driver would gain an extra […]

Invisibility Glasses Still A Work In Progress

AVG has attracted attention with a pair of spectacles designed to fool facial recognition systems. Though they build upon previous attempts, they are still very much at the concept stage. You may remember the first such gadget was unveiled a couple of years ago by Isao Echizen of the National Institute of Informatics in Japan. […]

Barbie Photo Fashion Doll Camera: Hands-On Review

A Barbie with a built-in camera is essentially the tackiest and freakiest way a grown man could ever take a photo of anything. I am sure tech savvy kids and progressive minded pervs will find uses for it, though. Scary uses I don’t even wanna think about right now, actually. Also, gotta love that 0.3 […]

An Affordable 3D-Printed Arm: Help Kids in Need Get One for FREE!

Check out this awesome project where college kids at the University of Central Florida are building 3D printed arms and giving them to kids in need for free. Insurance companies usually do not pay for prosthetic arms for children since they cost over $40,000 and the kids outgrow them in a period of about 6 […]

Photomath: The App That Does Your Math For You

I look at the Photomath app, and I get very sad. Not that it will make future generations stupid or any such nonsense. No, I am mad that it didn’t exist while I struggled through algebra. That was essentially a semester I spent barely treading water, and knowing this would exist one day would’ve eased […]

Biocomputer Music: Musical Mold Prepares To Perform

A fungus is to duet with a piano at an upcoming arts festival. The Physarum polycephalum mold responds to music in what the pianist calls a creative way. It’s the work of Professor Eduardo Miranda, who specialises in the crossover between music and science, His previous work includes a collaboration between a traditional string quartet […]

Skynet is Real: Computer Learns To Play Atari Games

A Google-backed experiment showed a computer was able to learn how to play 49 Atari 2600 games and, in many cases, while outperforming a human player. It’s in some ways more impressive than even chess-playing supercomputers. The likes of Deep Blue learn from their experiences playing, but were originally programmed with the rules of chess. The […]