What Will They Think of Next: The ‘Fake Arm Selfie Stick’ Has Arrived!

The selfie stick is an interesting cultural phenomenon none of us saw coming. Seeing someone with a three foot stick taking pics of themselves is definitely surreal, but we are living in a tech forward world and this is all part of that evolution. Well, get ready for the selfie stick to reach brave new […]

iPad Glitch Delays Flights

Several American Airline flights were delayed yesterday after an iPad app used by pilots crashed the device. The app acted as an electronic version of a “flight bag” of printed documentation. AA got regulatory permission to use iPads in-flight in 2012 when it proposed using them to store digital versions of aircraft operating manuals and […]

Twitter Cracks Down On Abusive Comments

Twitter has announced three changes designed to restrict the effects of abusive messages. It’s clear the company is trying to find a difficult balance between free speech and combating harassment. The first change is about policy rather than process. Until now, Twitter only considered it a violation when people made “direct, specific threats of violence […]

Drug-Buying Bot Freed By Police

A computer that automatically bought illegal drugs online has been released from custody by Swiss law enforcement officials. The computer ran an automated bot called ‘Random Darknet Shopper’ as part of an art project. The artists behind the project had programmed the bot to search for illicit materials on darknet sites. That’s a loosely defined […]

Turn Songs into 3D-Printed Sculptures You Can ‘Listen To’ with Reify

The benefits of 3D printing are almost too impressive and massive for us to even properly address yet. The possibilities with this tech is limitless, and the directions it is going show great promise. But here is an angle you probably have never heard before, literally. Remember how the Winamp player would make cool visualizations […]