Carvana: Cars Delivered By a Robotic Vending Machine

Nashville is now home to a vending machine that dispenses cars rather than candy. And yes, it is a massive gimmick. It’s operated by a company called Carvana which lets customers buy cars online without having to deal with sales staff in person, whether that be because they dislike pushiness and pressure, or are just […]

Stiff & Hard Excitement Among Phone Makers

Japanese researchers have found a way to make stiffer and harder glass. However, reports that it could mean phone screens stronger than steel are misleading at best, partly because of confusion over what has been measured. The work by the University of Tokyo and the Synchotron Radiation Research Institute, doesn’t involve any new materials, but rather […]

200 Years Since George Boole Born: TRUE

George Boole, the mathematician whose work indirectly made modern computing possible, was born two hundred years ago today. Boole’s work is one of the great examples of a seemingly abstract process having practical physical benefits, albeit around seven decades after his death. The British-born Boole developed a new form of algebra, with the difference being […]

Collaborative Navigation Effort Between Flying and Walking Robots [Video]

¸ From the Swiss Institute of Technology in Zurich: Flying and walking robots can use their complementary features in terms of viewpoint and payload capability to the best in a heterogeneous team. To this end, we present our online collaborative navigation framework for unknown and challenging terrain. The method leverages the flying robot’s onboard monocular […]