Much Ado About Coffeemakers (Much Ado About Humans – Series Final) [Funny Short Sci-Fi Story]

This is the final part of Much Ado About Humans. I suggest you read part I, part II, and part III to understand some of the references, although you don’t necessarily have to. —————– The unlocked door slid open with a soft whooshing sound and Praetax fluttered into the room gracefully, not bothering to announce […]

Much Ado About Cephalopods – (Much Ado About Humans Part 3) [Funny Short Sci-Fi Story]

This is the third part of Much Ado About Humans. I suggest you read part I and part II to understand some of the references, although you don’t necessarily have to. “Clear grounds container? You haven’t even ground anything yet!” shouted Maligar. “CLEAR GROUNDS CONTAINER” repeated the coffee machine, now more insistent. On its screen […]

Much Ado About Canines – A Sequel to Much Ado About Humans [Funny Short Sci-Fi Story]

This is a sequel to Much Ado About Humans. I suggest you read it first if you want to understand some of the references, although you don’t necessarily have to. ———— The Galactic Senate chamber was abuzz with conversation as its members chatted and shared last minute gossip before the commencement of proceedings. The noise […]

Much Ado About Humans – A Funny Short Sci-Fi Story

“Ambassador Praetax, have you seen Ambassador Thompson around?” Praetax, senior ambassador of the Mantoid race, looked up from the plant he had been tending to and saw the large gelatinous form of the Trovaskian ambassador peeking his visual receptor patches cautiously around the edge of the door frame. Praetax had been so engrossed in his […]

Hold the Line – A Short Sci-Fi Story

Humanity could not have been found at a worse moment in galactic history. The Galactic Alliance, the foremost power in the Milky Way, hadn’t seen a galactic-scale war in 4000 years before the discovery of two, small but developed systems in the border territory. The worlds existed on a newly discovered hyper lane, one nearly […]

Humans Are Using FTL Wrong [Short Story]

“As many in the Galactic Federation have recently learned, humans have in fact been in possession of FTL technology for at least 180 years.” The message radiated through a large spherical ampetheater filled with the representatives from over 1,100 sentient species; all members of the Milky Way Galaxy. At the center of the theater, floating […]