Mother of Invention [Short Sci-Fi Story]

“Tada!” Jikloma exclaimed, removing the small sheet with a flourish. Horpilu stared at the small machine on his employee’s table. Jikloma was one of the employees in engineering and had been charged with creating a more compact cleaning machine for spacecraft. There were several prototypes being tested, this being the latest. “I’m…not sure why I […]

My Roommate, John the Human, Has a Possible Hoarding Problem. AITA? [Short Sci-Fi Story]

An anonymous alien asks this very important question: I (129) have thrown away an object of significant value to my Human roommate (29M) during a routine cleaning of our shared housing unit. Now he won’t stop sulking and refuses to converse with me. AITA? My roommate and I, John the Human, have recently cleaned out […]