Laptop Encryption: Can You Plead the Fifth?

A Colorado court case could set a precedent on whether the right to remain silent extends to encrypted files. The Justice Department wants a federal judge to rule that defendant Ramon Fricosu must decrypt a laptop that prosecutors believe has evidence showing her guilt in an alleged mortgage scam. Fricosu’s lawyers say doing so could […]

Internet IDs: Yea or Nay?

Internet IDs are a hot topic recently, particularly in light of LulzSec’s aggressive (but abbreviated) campaign against , like, everyone ever. Proponents argue that a system of “trusted credentials”–as they’re ambiguously called now because the technology is still mostly in development–would allow for safer, more secure online transactions. The opposition says that these efforts are […]

Virtual Warfare to Get Physical Response

A cyberattack on the United States could result in a physical military retaliation under a revised Pentagon strategy. The move probably won’t mean modern-day David Lightmans should expect to see tanks outside their doors, but it could mean some decisive responses: in the words of an unnamed official speaking to the Wall Street Journal, “If […]

Lulz(Sec), PBS. Problems??

An article claiming “Tupac still alive in New Zealand” appeared on late last night, and for most readers was probably the first indication that strange things were afoot in the site’s security sector. Hacker group LulzSec (or “The Lulz Boat”) commandeered PBS’s website in retaliation for their recent Frontline broadcast, “Wikisecrets,” which criticized Wikileaks, Julian Assange […]

Chrome Password Fail: A Good Reason NOT to Save Your Password Locally

If you’re using Chrome as your browser of choice, anyone with access to your computer could easily take a peek at all your saved passwords. All you have to do is: 1-Click on wrench icon on the top right of the browser 2-Click on “Options” 3-On the left of the “options” screen, click on “Personal […]