Finally: Android Gets a la Carte Permissions Control

Android devices may soon offer users far more control over what access apps have to their data and hardware. The latest release has a hidden feature that removes the all-or-nothing approach to access. A key part of the Android security system is the “permissions” system which controls dozens of settings that say whether or not […]

NSA scandal loophole: US citizen communications are compromised

The National Security Agency can gather and keep information about US citizens from online communications without a warrant for up to five years — as long as they get it by “accident”. That’s the revelation in the latest leaked documents in the NSA scandal. To date the story has largely centered on the ability of […]

Meteorite explodes in the sky above Chelyabinsk, Russia + Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Prophetic Response [Pic + Videos]

For those not aware of this yet, a meteorite exploded in the sky over Chelyabinsk, Russia earlier today, causing multiple windows to break (because of the sonic boom) and injuring over 500 people in the process. here are a few videos of the event: And here’s Neil deGrasse Tyson’s prophetic response that was […]

Developer Secretly Outsources Own Job

A software developer has been busted for secretly outsourcing his work to China and instead spending his time in the office messing about on the web. The revelation comes from Verizon’s security team, which was called in to investigate at an unnamed US company involved in “critical infrastructure.” The company allows some staff to work […]

Kids’ smartphone apps like to phone home and be snoopy

Not all parents who download smartphone apps for their children, or allow their children to pick their own apps, check up on the privacy consequences. But according to a government agency those parents who do try to look for possible drawbacks will often be out of luck. The Federal Trade Commission looked at a sample […]