California Makes Smartphone Killswitch Mandatory

Californian politicians have passed a law mandating a “killswitch” in all smartphones, allowing users to remotely disable the phone if it’s lost or stolen. It’s the first such law to require such a feature to be enabled by default. Bill 962 says all phones that are manufactured after 1 July 2015 and then sold in […]

Prison & Courtroom Security Scanners May Be Vulnerable

Security researchers say a widely-used airport security scanner can be fooled fairly simply. Although the model in question was dropped from airports last year, it’s still used in prisons and courthouses. The model in question is the Rapiscan Secure 1000, which the TSA dropped after controversy over the way it produced what effectively appeared to […]

Scam Warning: Facebook Color Change

Facebook messages claiming to give you the chance to change the color of the site are, perhaps unsurprisingly, a phishing scam. Cheetah Mobile has the details: Once clicked, it leads users to a phishing website. Cheetah Mobile researchers have found this issue to be happening due to a vulnerability that lives in Facebook’s app page […]

Journalist Publishes Own Twitter Password; Pays Price

A Wall Street Journal  journalist has published his Twitter password to prove the value of two-factor authentication. Christopher Mims remains unhacked, but his argument hasn’t been entirely borne out. Mims wrote a piece titled “The Password Is Finally Dying. Here’s Mine” with the subheading “Device-Based Authentication Is Making Passwords Irrelevant.” Ironically the piece is behind a […]

iPhone Killswitch Cuts Crime, NY Legal Chief Claims

Figures from the New York Attorney General show a sharp fall in iPhone thefts correlating with Apple introducing a “kill switch” feature. The news comes as both Microsoft and Google say they’ll put such a feature into their operating systems. Several manufacturers and carriers had already committed to releasing or supporting software to remotely disable […]