Fight Unsecured Wi-Fi Networks with this Glowing DIY Hobbit Sting Sword [Pic + Video]

Youtuber Spark IO has taken a toy Sting sword and combined it with a Spark Core to transform it into a tool that glows when there are unsecured wi-fi networks nearby. To celebrate the launch of the new Hobbit flick, we made a version of Sting that turns blue near unsecured Wi-Fi networks. And when […]

Google Offers Physical ‘Key’ For Two-Factor Authentication

Google has beefed up its two-factor authentication by offering a physical key in the form of a USB stick. It’s designed to cut down some of the loopholes exploited by phishing scams. To date, the “something you know” (login details) in Google’s two-factor authentication has been accompanied by the “something you have” of a cellphone, […]

Cops Complain Criminals Wiping Seized Phones

Five British police forces have confirmed that phones and tablets seized as evidence have been remotely wiped while in their custody. Responding to enquiries by the BBC, Cambridgeshire, Derbyshire, Durham and Nottingham police all reported one wiping incident, while Dorset said it had suffered six such incidents in the space of a year. A sixth […]

Digital Regulator: Celebrity Hacking Victims “Stupid”

The man who’ll almost certainly be Europe’s next head of digital issues appears to be standing by his comments that victims of the recent celebrity photo leak were “stupid” and can’t be protected. Gunther Oettinger introduced the statement by saying that it was impossible for lawmakers and regulators to mitigate all risks. He then gave […]

Cyborg Unplug: Network Blocker Tackles Google Glass & Spy Tools

The maker of a new gadget claims it can knock any unwanted device off a local network. But Julian Oliver concedes that some features of Cyborg Unplug may be illegal depending on your location. Oliver previously developed a web script named that is specifically designed for finding and blocking Google Glass connections on a […]