Image Feed Highlights Unsecured Webcams

A website that searches the “Internet of Things” has added a search facility for unsecured webcams. The operators say its designed to highlight security risks rather than enable voyeurs or would-be criminals. Shodan is designed for searching for details of devices, both computers and other devices from smart TVs to power plants, that are connected […]

Two States Could Ban Unbreakable Smartphone Encryption

Proposed laws in California and New York would ban phones with unbreakable encryption. California state representative Jim Cooper says the move is needed to prevent human trafficking. The California bill was introduced this week and its introduction explains that it “would require a smartphone that is manufactured on or after January 1, 2017, and sold […]

Worst Passwords List Is Same Old $h1T

The annual list of the “worst passwords” has again failed to tell us anything useful about security, thought perhaps provided a little (predictable) detail about popular culture. As always happens this time of year, a publicity-seeking company behind a password manager application has put together a list of the 25 worst passwords by simply counting […]

The Year in News: What Happened Next (Stories From January-February 2015)

It’s time once again to take a look back at some of the news stories we’ve covered here at GaS in 2015 as well as following up on later developments. In January the Mars rover Opportunity began suffering problems with the flash memory which it used to store data before sending it back to Earth whenever […]

New Gadget Promises Rock-Solid Security

A company believes a glowing pebble could be the easiest way to secure internet-connected devices across a home. Dojo uses a traffic light system to keep users up to date on threats to their smart devices. The logic behind the product is that as the “Internet of Things” brings ever-more home devices such as thermostats […]

FREE eBook: Introduction to Windows 10 Security (a $24.95 value)

Today, we have a new free ebook for you guys! For a limited time, get “Introduction to Windows 10 Security,” which is usually priced at $24.95, for FREE! This book covers: -The current security landscape: Microsoft has taken a comprehensive top down approach to securing Windows 10 — you’ll learn why this is happening. -Securing […]

Siri/Google Now Headphone Hack No Biggie

If you’ve heard that French researchers have successfully hacked Siri and Google now, don’t worry too much. “Success” is most certainly a relative term. While the researchers at government IT security agency ANSSI have demonstrated their ‘hack’ it’s barely more than a proof of concept. In this case the concept is that electromagnetic waves and […]

Free eBook: Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents, Second Edition (A $14.99 Value)

For today’s free ebook, get Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents (Second Edition), a value of $14.99, for FREE! Turn your Raspberry Pi into your very own secret agent toolbox with this set of exciting projects. This book is for all the mischievous Raspberry Pi owners who would like to see their computer transformed into a […]