Free eBook: “Penetration Testing Essentials ($27 Value) – FREE For a Limited Time

Today, get the “Penetration Testing Essentials” ebook (a $27 value) for free! IT Security certifications have stringent requirements and demand a complex body of knowledge. This eBook lays the groundwork for any IT professional hoping to move into a cybersecurity career by developing a robust pen tester skill set. [Free eBook: “Penetration Testing Essentials ($27 […]

DEAL: Amazon has a BIG Sale on RFID Blocking Leather Wallets

If you’re looking for a way to prevent your card from leaking their RFID info while inside your wallet, Amazon currently has a huge sale on RFID blocking leather wallets. 1 YEAR WARRANTY, our warranty covers any defect caused during product production and delivery. We can offer you full refund or free replacement, whichever is […]

Banana Hides In Plain Sight As Bogus Toaster Rules

Google researchers say they can fool image recognition tools by distracting them with shiny stickers. It’s an alternative to trying to disguise the object the system is looking for. This isn’t the same approach as a recent experiment that used carefully placed modifications to make one thing look like another, including 3D-printing replica turtles that […]

Little Miss Inventor Joins Mr Men Line-Up

A female engineer will be the latest star of the Mr Men Books. Little Miss Inventor will debut on 8 March next year, coinciding with both British Science Week and International Women’s Day. The publishers told the BBC that the character is “intelligent, ingenious and inventive.” The story features her coming up with relevant inventions […]

Re:scam – An AI Email Program That Replies to Email Scammers For You

This is absolutely brilliant! Re:scam is an AI email program by Netsafe that replies to email scammers for you and waste their time. Next time you receive a scam email, simply forward it to [email protected]. Hey, like the video said, I’m Re:scam. Netsafe built me as a new weapon in the fight against the billion-dollar […]

FREE I.T. eBooks: Kali Linux Penetration Testing, Powershell Scripting, Windows 10 for Enterprise Administrators

Today, we have 4 free I.T. ebooks for you guys. These ebooks are mainly for people working in the I.T. field, but if you’re curious about Kali Linux penetration testing, Powershell, or Windows 10 for administrators, they’re available to anyone. –Kali Linux 2 – Assuring Security by Penetration Testing, 3rd Edition ($22 Value) FREE For […]

Google’s Bug Tracker Had Bug Itself

A researcher earned $15,600 from Google’s bug hunting program… for finding a bug in Google’s bug hunting program. The ironic discovery was by Alex Birsan, who was reporting another bug for what’s formally called the Google Vulnerability Reward Program. It pays between $100 and the oddly-specific $31,337 for spotting security flaws in Google systems and […]