Chemtrails, Or More Accurately, Contrails, Explained [Science Video]

This week the “Reactions” Youtube channel is taking science to the skies and checking out the chemistry behind chemtrails, or more accurately, contrails, for condensation trails. It’s easy to look at the white trail behind a jet aircraft and imagine all manner of chemicals raining down from above. However, airplane contrails are simply what happens […]

A Look at How Your Hormones Work [Science Video]

Over our lifetimes, our bodies undergo a series of extraordinary metamorphoses: we grow, experience puberty, and many of us reproduce. Behind the scenes, the endocrine system works constantly to orchestrate these changes. Emma Bryce explains how this system regulates everything from your sleep to the rhythm of your beating heart, exerting its influence over each […]

What Causes Hallucinations? [Science Video]

A condition called Charles Bonnet Syndrome can cause blind patients to hallucinate scenes in vivid color. fMRI studies show that these hallucinations activate the same brain area as sight — which is a completely different region from imagination. Other hallucinations also involve the same brain areas as real sensory experiences. What’s going on? Elizabeth Cox […]