How To Stop Structures from SHAKING: LEGO Saturn V Tuned Mass Damper

In this video from Minute Physics, host Henry Reich inserts a mass damper in Lego’s amazing Saturn V set to demonstrate how engineers prevent structures from shaking. This video is about Tuned Mass Dampers, which can be used to reduce or avoid unwanted vibrations, swaying, swinging, bending, etc on engineered structures ranging from buildings, skyscrapers, […]

Is the Dinosaur-Apocalypse Story Wrong?

66 million years ago, a six-mile-wide asteroid, larger than Mount Everest is tall, slammed our planet with the force of ten billion atomic bombs, unleashing giant fireballs, crushing tsunamis, continent-shaking earthquakes, and suffocating darkness. This was the cause of the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, which drove the dinosaurs off the planet almost overnight. Or so we […]