Apollo 11’s Journey to the Moon, Annotated

Apollo 11 launched on July 16, 1969, carrying Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins on a journey to pull off humankind’s first moon landing. The eight-day journey was made possible by the careful deconstruction of the Saturn V rocket and Apollo spacecraft, and made use of a technique of docking components of the spacecraft […]

How a Dragonfly’s Brain is Designed to Kill [Science Video]

Dragonflies can catch prey with near perfect accuracy, the best among all predators. But how does something with so few neurons achieve such prowess? Neuroscientist Greg Gage and his colleagues explore how a dragonfly unerringly locks onto its preys and captures it within milliseconds using just sensors and a fake fly. [TED]

Legitimate Cold Fusion Exists: Muon-Catalyzed Fusion [Science Video]

This video is about the original cold fusion: μ muon-catalyzed cold fusion of deuterium, tritium, hydrogen, into helium-3 and helium 4. The problems with it are the half-life of muons and the sticking of muons to alpha particles. Also involved are neutrons, protons, break-even, etc. This has nothing to do with fusion by capture in […]

Does Time Really Exist? [Science Video]

The earliest time measurements were observations of cycles of the natural world, using patterns of changes from day to night and season to season to build calendars. More precise time-keeping eventually came along to put time in more convenient boxes. But what exactly are we measuring? Andrew Zimmerman Jones contemplates whether time is something that […]

Illusion: This Video Tricks You in Seeing Something That’s Not There [Video]

The Rabbit Illusion is a time-travelling illusion that makes you retroactively see something that is not there. Watch above! Caltech researchers have developed these two new illusions that reveal how the senses can influence each other—in particular, how sound can give rise to visual illusions. These illusions occur so quickly that they illustrate a phenomenon […]

There is no God: Stephen Hawking’s Final Book

“Brief Answers to the Big Questions,” Stephen Hawking’s final book, was released posthumously Tuesday and answers the 10 biggest questions the scientist was commonly asked: Is there a God? [“There is no God. No one directs the universe.”] How did it all begin? What is inside a black hole? Can we predict the future? Is […]

What if cracks in concrete could fix themselves?

Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world. It can be found in swathes of city pavements, bridges that span vast rivers and the tallest skyscrapers on earth. But it does have a weakness: it’s prone to catastrophic cracking that has immense financial and environmental impact. What if we could avoid that […]