Oh the Horror: Carnivorous Plants Eating Insects [Time Lapse Video]

This is basically just like a horror film… for insects. From Chris Field: The completed Biolapse film of carnivorous plants. Over a year of effort, with 107 days of straight shooting with 2 cameras. I started out building timelapse equipment so I could go do timelapse. Then people started giving me money to build them […]

Why SpaceX is Making the Starlink Internet Space-Based Communication System [Video]

Starlink is an upcoming low-cost space-based Internet communication system by SpaceX that will be in deployment until the mid-2020s. The company plans to deploy 12,000 satellites in three orbital shells. The first large batch of 60 satellites were launched on May 24th, 2019. Here is a enlightening video by Real Engineering explaining why SpaceX is […]