How Much Do Cloth Masks Protect You From Getting the Coronavirus?

From Reactions: The CDC is recommending that the general public wear cloth face masks to help decrease everyone’s chances of getting COVID-19. So how does the virus that causes COVID-19—SARS-CoV-2—spread? And how much could cloth face masks help stop it? We contacted some experts to find out, and to learn what materials work best if […]

As Above: When The Microscopic World Meets The Immensity of the Universe [Video]

What you’re about to see might look like galaxies, suns, and other scenes from space at first glance, but “As Above” features a chemical reaction captured through a lens focused on an area of just 0.3 square inch. Be sure to watch this one in full screen! As Above is a short film exploring the […]

Coronavirus Vaccine: Where Are We and What’s Next?

You might have heard that vaccine trials are currently underway in Seattle. What exactly is being tested? How much longer will these tests take? And when can we expect a vaccine against the novel coronavirus? We chat with Dr. Benjamin Neuman, one of the world’s experts on coronavirus, and Daniel Wrapp, one of the scientists […]