Why Calorie Counting Is a Scam! [Science Video]
From ASAP Science: From celery to a slice of cake, we are going to explain what 100 Calories actually looks like, and WHY calorie counting is bad for you. [ASAP Science]
From ASAP Science: From celery to a slice of cake, we are going to explain what 100 Calories actually looks like, and WHY calorie counting is bad for you. [ASAP Science]
Coming up on two years of the Coronavirus pandemic, how much longer will it last? Is it like the Spanish flu or will it never go away? Find out in this episode of ASAP Science! [ASAP Science]
From SciShow: Eliminating certain species of mosquitoes could make summertime more enjoyable and cut down on the transmission of certain diseases. And scientists are looking into doing this by manipulating a single gene! [SciShow]
Dr. Morgan Levine, a professor who specializes in the biology of aging, answers the internet’s burning questions about aging. Is there anyway to stop aging? Is aging a disease? Do you age slower in space? Dr. Levine answers all these questions and much more! [Wired]
You’ve probably learned a bit about electrons in school, but most of us have moved on to other things since then, so here’s a quick refresher. And yeah, an electron is a “negatively charged particle,” but there’s so much more to these strange little particle than that! [Reactions]
With the use of liquid nitrogen, the YBCO compound can be cooled until it becomes a superconductor, and a superconductor placed in a magnetic field has amazing behaviors. Please activate the subtitles to get more info on the experiment. [Magnetic Games]
Astrophysicist Paul M. Sutter answers the internet’s burning questions about astrophysics. What exactly is dark matter? How many exoplanets are there? What is it in like a black hole? What actually is a parallel universe? Paul answers all these questions and much more! [Wired]
The main illusion in this video shows a chess board and its reflection in a mirror. However, there’s a phantom White Queen piece that only appears as a reflection, leaving a mysterious empty square in the foreground. The illusion is achieved by creating a camouflaged invisibility cloak that shields the Queen from one viewing angle. […]
From Kiun B: Welcome to the coldest town in the world with the recorded lowest temperature of -71°C (-95°F)… The winters here are usually very long, cold and dark… Today we will do 6 crazy experiments to show you how cold it is here, in Yakutsk! [Kiun B]
From ASAP Science: Today we are going to explain EXACTLY what happens to your brain and body when you try to quit alcohol! [ASAP Science]