The Underwear of the Future?

By JR Raphael Contributing Writer, [GAS] Boxers, briefs, or high-tech underwear that can monitor your health? No joke, gentlemen: Scientists have just filed a new patent for underpants that monitor your blood pressure. The special skivvies come equipped with waistband sensors that use conductive rubber to measure how fast your blood is pulsing through your […]

Control Your Appliances With Your Mind

By JR Raphael Contributing Writer, [GAS] Prepare yourself for what may be the most powerful remote ever made: the mind-reading hat. Scientists from Taiwan have just finished developing the first protocol of this thing. Aside from a rather obvious antenna jutting out the back, the hat looks stylish enough. But this baby isn’t about fashion; […]

New Virtual Telescope Offers Awesome Views

By JR Raphael Contributing Writer, [GAS] There’s a new way to access far away galaxies right from your home computer. Microsoft has just unveiled its long-awaited WorldWide Telescope utility. The program lets you check out views from the Hubble Space Telescope, the Chandra X-Ray Observatory Center, and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey — some of […]