Are You an Angry Drunk? It’s In Your Genes!

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] According to a new study, one particular overactive gene could explain that dude you know who goes from Jekyll to Hyde when he gets a few drinks in him. The MAOA gene produces an enzyme that breaks down mood-related chemicals, and high levels of this enzyme mixed with alcohol […]

End of Days Scenarios: People Love Death and Mayhem

Whether discussing the universe’s origin as host of NOVA’s “scienceNOW” or asserting that Pluto is a not a planet on “The Colbert Report,” astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson translates the universe’s complexities for a broad audience. In the following hilarious (and interesting) video presentation, Tyson explains what would happen if a large asteroid would hit earth, […]

Intelligent Man = Better Sperm

Natural selection favors the intelligent. The evidence is right here in our civilization. We are smarter than our distant ancestors, Australopithecus, Homo erectus, Cro-Magnon — that is a given. The question is, did intelligence evolve because the smarter members of the population could avoid getting killed off? In prehistoric times, this would involve finding the […]