The Best Show You’ve Never Heard Of: ReGenesis

by Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Living in the U.S., I feel like I often miss out on jewels of television shows because whereas it’s common to run popular American shows in other countries, we rarely get the same consideration.  Or if we do, then they’re “Americanized” versions, which sometimes works (see: The Office) and […]

Scientists to prove “out of body” experiences – with postcards

By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] Scientists at the University of Southampton in England have come up with a really genius way of proving once and for all whether “out of body” near death experiences actually occur or not.    Is that REALLY a light at the end of a tunnel?   Is that REALLY Nicolas Cage […]

How the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Works… For Dummies

Since the LHC has been successfully powered up yesterday and a lot of confusion remains on what CERN’S Big Bang machine truly does, I thought that some of you might like getting some extra information on the subject. Created by CERN employee Chris Mann, the following presentation explains in relatively simple terms the inner working […]