ISS (International Space Station) Crew Quarters Tour
In the following video, Expedition 18 commander Mike Fincke provides us with a brief tour of the crew quarters on the International Space Station. [Via OhGizmo]
In the following video, Expedition 18 commander Mike Fincke provides us with a brief tour of the crew quarters on the International Space Station. [Via OhGizmo]
In the following video presentation, microbiologist Bonnie Bassler explains how she discovered that bacteria “talk” to each other, using a chemical language that lets them coordinate defense and mount attacks. The find has stunning implications for medicine, industry — and our understanding of ourselves.
Produced by Reza Rasoli, Greg Gunn, and Casey Hunt, Humans! is a 60 second global awareness PSA sensationalizing the excessive, all-consuming nature of the human race. Check it out below. [Via Neatorama]
If you asked 100 adults which question they’d most like to ask an astronaut, probably 95% of the responses would involve bodily functions. But American children have a different question: Do astronauts play video games in space? That was the first question asked by a group of schoolchildren who joined Barack Obama for a live […]
The Drake equation (also sometimes called the “Green Bank equation”, the “Green Bank Formula,” or often erroneously labeled the “Sagan equation”) is a famous result in the fields of exobiology and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). This equation was devised by Dr. Frank Drake (now Professor Emeritus of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University […]
Two of my favorite people to interview – ever- are Fritz Grobe and Stephen Yoltz of, a performance troupe based in Maine. If you’re anything like 40 million other people in the world, you know these guys from “The Diet Coke & Mentos Experiments” – a recreation of the Bellagio Fountains using nothing but […]
All you need to know to destroy the world is in this step-by-step guide. A motion capture animation by Ransom Riggs.
At 5:45 a.m. (EST) Monday, an asteroid (DD45) with a diameter of 60 to 150 feet nearly crashed into Earth. The space rock sped past the planet at a distance of 49,000 miles, about one-fifth of the distance separating us from the moon and only two times as far as some satellites currently orbiting Earth. […]
A Japanese ringtone provider has recently started selling ringtones that, according to scientific studies, can unblock your stuffy, runny nose. The treatment, which is composed of various unmelodious sounds and vibrations, is applied by holding your mobile to the bridge of your nose for 30 seconds while it is ringing. These ringtones are apparently not […]
Even though the famous physicist has been dead for over 50 years, it seems that Einstein, or at least a part of him, has recently been reincarnated in the form of a very life-like looking robotic head. The head, which was designed by Hanson Robotics, can interact with people in a relatively natural way, thanks […]